This blog is to display my efforts and provide motivation for collecting and painting a 40k force to represent those that served in the 3rd Armageddon War. Please feel free to comment and any contructive criticism is welcome. I will try to keep the blog updated and hopefully you find it interesting if not entertaining.

Saturday 8 December 2012

Scorched Earth

Well, I haven't updated this as often as I should but that doesn't mean I have been idle.

Last month I participated in the Scorched Earth tournament at Peel Adventure Gaming Society. It was a great two days in a lovely set up for a tournament. It was 2k points and 6 games over two days. My results weren't great with 2 wins and 4 losses (three were very narrow losses, including one game where a failed morale check cost me my chance of glory, but there was one shalacking!) But I had fun and everyone in the tournament was great.

I did manage to come away with a reward though. I, very narrowly, won the best painted award from a great looking tyranid army.

Here are some pics from my army. I painted up a vendetta and a couple of plasmagunners for the tournament and also added unit markings to my flyers and a couple of tanks.

And finally a picture of a plucky melts gunner who captured the relic and won me the game. He had melta-ed a hive tyrant to the face, and, as all the other squads died around him he made a desperate dash and grabbed the relic. A great moment and I was very glad the game didn't go to a sixth turn!