This blog is to display my efforts and provide motivation for collecting and painting a 40k force to represent those that served in the 3rd Armageddon War. Please feel free to comment and any contructive criticism is welcome. I will try to keep the blog updated and hopefully you find it interesting if not entertaining.

Friday 10 August 2012

Army Showcase

I have finally gotten around to taking some photos of my army as a whole. I haven't totalled it but it is definately over 6000 points. And yes, that is my dining room table. (My wife entered the room with a very unimpressed look on her face)

I am by no means a photographer. I had as much light as I could on the models but still had to use the flash on the camera to get decent photos.

The Fortress of Arrogance and the base of the Marauder Destroyer aren't finished but I think they are cool enough to still be included. I plan on putting a post up soon detailing the base of my marauder.

The depressing thing about setting the army up is seeing the mountain of unpainted models. I have more infantry squads, more tanks, ogryns, the list goes on and on...

Saturday 4 August 2012

ReBoot Tournament 2012

I have now played my first game of 6th Ed. It was a bit of a baptism of fire as it came at a one day, four game 1750 point tournament. Results were a bit forgettable with 3 losses and 1 win but one game was 1 point from a draw and who knows what could have happened with a few luckier dice rolls? I can't complain too much and I had fun and learnt a few things along the way.

I finished the day coming second in painting and third in sportsmanship. (That might be an indication of how my games went) I don't think I need to share my overall score so I won't bore you with it.

I didn't enter the tournament to win, but to have fun. The organiser allows Forge World models so I brought my Lightning and Thunderbolt along. The Lightning was quite fragile with only 2 hull points and I'm not sure it was worth the points. The Thunderbolt on the other hand excelled. It's a great looking model and scared quite a few of my opponents after dealing a fair bit of damage. My Aegis Defence Lines also proved quite useful. Who could have thought you would be able to bring your own 4+ cover save with you and even attach a gun to it. Brilliant!

I tried taking some photos of my games in the hall but the lighting was poor and they didn't turn out too well. I did, however, manage some reasonable pics of my army when it was set up for painting. The colours are slightly off but I'm planning on taking some army shots soon so I'll hopefully be able to show some more detail.

Edit: I found out this morning that I did indeed win a trophy. There were two painting awards: Peer Judged and Organiser Judged. I came second in the peer judged and first in the organiser judged. The organiser just forgot to announce the award and present the trophy. I'll have to go back and collect my trophy in a week or two. Luckily the club is about 3 minutes down the road!

Wednesday 1 August 2012


Okay. I don't really know anything about blogging but I wanted to create this to log my 40k exploits and keep me motivated on my projects. I've been playing 40k since 3rd ed starting with the starter box set and painting up some Black Templars. This led me to the old Armageddon codex and the awesome Steel Legion models. It was there that my obsession started. As a result I know have over 6000 points of painted Steel Legion and it's still growing. It's also expanding to other armies. I've recently started a Mordian and Cadian force and have plans for some Elysians and Krieg. Why? All of these forces participated in the 3rd War for Armageddon. This blog is to keep track of my Armageddon Imperial Task Force.

Stay tuned for pics. Unfortunately work is getting in the way but I will take some army shots soon and also look out for pics from my first 6th ed tournament this weekend.